The Secret to Getting More Sales

online expert presentation sales Sep 26, 2022

Have you ever wondered why so many online experts struggle to get sales?

In today’s episode I’m revealing the #1 tool all online experts can use right now to instantly increase sales.


By the time you finish listening, you’ll know:

  • Why you haven’t been increasing your sales

  • How to stop being the industry’s best kept secret and start getting seen

  • How 7 figure entrepreneurs sell with ease

If this episode inspires you then I’d love to hear from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram stories and tag me @katherine_beck_

Then follow me on Instagram to go ‘behind the scenes’ with me and my own journey as an American accent coach and Voiceover Actor.


Ready to speak with influence so you can increase your sales on your next launch? Join me for my free masterclass and I’ll show you how to present like a 7 figure entrepreneur.

Reserve your spot here:





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Katherine Beck
You're listening to the voice of your brand Podcast, episode 13. In today's episode, I'll be sharing with you the secret to speaking with influence that's coming up next, ready to go behind the scenes and learn what it really takes to stand out as the voice of your brand. I'm Katherine Beck, voice actor and voice coach. And after 20 years of being the voice of other brands, I'm here to show you how your voice is your most powerful tool to creating the impact, influence and income you desire. The world is your global stage. So get ready to uplevel your voice and your personal brand. This is the voice of your brand podcast. We will get started with today's episode in just a moment. But first, I am hosting a free voice masterclass on the topic of today's podcast, which is speaking with influence so you can get more sales on your next launch. And I would love to see you there. Now I've got times over the next couple of days. So make sure you save your spot because we're going to be walking through exactly what you need to do to be seen as an authority in your business, to building your dream audience and most importantly, making money on your next launch. So you can join me by registering at Katherine forward slash masterclass. I will put that in the show notes for you and I am so looking forward to seeing you there. Let's make you the voice of your brand. We will start with today's episode in just a moment. But first I want to give a big shout out to Kylie 500, who sent me this five star review and says when you think you know how to speak, think again. There are so many nuances on how to deliver your voice. And Catherine is a genius at being able to teach those nuances. If you do video podcasts, or even just social media for your brand, listen and learn from Katherine to make your voice and your brand. So much more impactful. Wow, Kylie, thank you so very much. I really truly appreciate and value your review your thoughts, and I'm so glad that you see value in your voice. I call voice my secret strategy, my secret weapon. And that is exactly what we're diving into in my upcoming webinars. So if you find voice to be a little bit unnatural, let's say you know, when you go to do a video, whether it's for a presentation or for content for your program, or to create a real, let's say you're doing podcasts or you're guesting on other people's podcasts, and you just find the idea of showing up and using your voice rather unnatural, by all means join me because we're going to be diving deep on that today, we are also going to be diving deep on that subject matter in this podcast episode. So for voice, everyone has a voice and to the degree that you utilize your most powerful tool in your arsenal, which is your voice is the degree to which you will succeed in your business. So make sure you get out there and you start using your voice and really fully utilizing that instrument of yours. And hey, if you have been listening to the podcast and you're also loving what you hear, do me a favor, click those five stars. Leave a brief review and let me know what you think of the podcast and you'll hear yourself featured right here on the show. So if you're loving this episode, go ahead and leave us a review. All right. Now at the time of this recording, I have literally just spent two days back to back on a zoom masterclass on messaging that started at 2am. My time that's 9am Pacific Standard Time, who is in the US I am in Australia. So that meant for the past few days, I've gotten up at 2am. So if I sound tired, or slightly out of it, that's why in Hey, you might be thinking I am crazy. What is this silly voice woman doing getting up at 2am. But here's the thing. I like to think of it as commitment, dedication. Because if I have an amazing opportunity to be on something live to improve on something that is considered a skill. If I can find a way to be there and do it. I will because I know that what I teach is a skill. And I also know how do we get good at a skill we practice. So I got to practice what I preach. And so anytime I have the opportunity to dedicate the time and fully commit to a skill that I know I need to work on. I will do that also because I like to set the example because I want to empower you and show you that there really is no excuses, we are our own excuse. And I will always find a way to dedicate the time to make things happen that I want to happen. So the fact that it started at 2am, my time I say is no excuse, I will be there. And this is what I wish for all of you not to wake up at 2am. I don't wish that for you. I don't wish that for me. But here's the thing about voice, mastering your vocal delivery is a skill, a skill that is often not thought of, or considered. Because most of the time, we're thinking about the external things, the external strategies that we can apply in our business. But did you know that the ability not just to speak but to speak with influence allows us the ability to connect to reach our audience on a much deeper level. And when we can connect, we can convert. And that's the goal, right? To convert to get more sales to get more clients, customers, more people to buy your stuff. So that's why today I wanted to go through the three parts of speaking with influence, because if you leave one of these out, it's going to make it so much harder to influence your audience, which means it's going to be much harder to sell your stuff. So let us begin. So when we communicate, there are basically three ways our audience receives the information, there was verbal, which is the actual words on the page, it is your messaging, it is your content, there is visual, that is things like your eye contact, where your eyes are directed your point of focus, your gestures, your hand gestures, your stance, the way you hold yourself, your posture, and your walk, the way you walk across the room, the way you walk across a computer screen camera. So that's your visual. And last and most important, is your vocal. And that is things like your pitch, the pace at which you speak, your ability to pause, your projection, the volume at which you speak, and the tone of your voice. And the visual and vocal components are your nonverbal communication. So you've got the verbal, which is the actual words on the page, and then you got your nonverbal. And for me, I'm going to focus on the voice. Now, here's where it gets really, really interesting, because for most of us, if you're an online business owner or a digital entrepreneur, like me, you are spending a whole lot of time on the verbal, your messaging, your words, your content. But that's only 7% of how your audience receives information, communication. 93% is nonverbal. That's the visual and the vocal. And if you haven't spent or spent very little time considering how your message is being delivered, then you are missing out on having a 93% chance of getting through to your audience of that conversion of that connection, leading to a conversion. So if you're wondering why your audience isn't growing, why you're not getting more sales, then you got to ask yourself, How was my verbal? My messaging? How is that landing with my audience. And if it's not, then listen up to what I'm about to share. Because most unheard entrepreneurs are really just speaking from one note or one way, it's a one way zone of communication. And this is how people are perceiving you, you got to remember that you can either attract or repel people. So you have to understand how is your voice being perceived by your audience. So for example, if you're desperate, or needy for the sale, we're going to hear desperation in your voice. Why? Because our voice literally is energy, it carries vocal energy. That is the sound waves of whatever you are thinking is getting transmitted through those sound waves through your voice. And where does it land? It lands with your listener. So your listener is literally listening to the inner thoughts in your head every time you speak. So you could say, buy my program, and we can hear that desperation that neediness and maybe even a little bit of push in your voice. Or maybe you're bored. Maybe you have sold this program so many times on a webinar. You could do it in your sleep. And so that's literally what it sounds like in your voice which could sound like this. Buy my program. Hear how it's dull, it's lifeless. We've lost that intensity and energy. Why is somebody going to want to buy your program if there's no enthusiasm? Don't because you've done it so many times. So it's really important to consider our audience. And when you can influence through your vocal delivery, you can reach your audience on such a deeper level, because it's going to hit them, it's going to hit home. Beneath the surface, they're going to say, I want to work with this person, I want to buy your stuff, because you are my people. And if you haven't been speaking with influence, you got to ask yourself, why not? And could this be the one thing that is costing you more sales in your business, more sales on your next launch? And when you know that voice really truly is your secret weapon? And that is the secret weapon that top seven and eight figure entrepreneurs are using? Why wouldn't you want to try it too? Why wouldn't you want to speak with influence? Or are you happy playing it safe, and being the industry's best kept secret, you know that you're really good at what you do. But you're shying away or hesitating by being visible, putting yourself out there and using your voice. So obviously, the choice is yours. As always, you can continue to hide to stay on the sidelines, or you can put yourself out there, you can be the visionary of your business. You can show up enthusiastically and unapologetically, you can use your voice to stand out to be the visionary leader that you know that you are and now you're ready to show it to the world. And if you are truly ready to take your messaging to a whole other level to really embody and be that visionary voice for your audience, then join me for my free masterclass, that's happening this week, you're going to learn so much about the power of your voice to influence to impact and to get more sales and all you need to do to join me is head over to Katherine forward slash masterclass. And I will see you there. All right, that is it for today's episode. Now coming up next week on the show, I am going to be speaking with one of my clients who I'm so very proud of because she went from being silent on Instagram to getting 10k views on her reels. Now make sure to share the show with all your friends. Let them know what's coming up next week and invite them to tune in with you and learn how to show up how to speak up and how to stand out as the voice of your brand. Until then go on get out there and use that powerful voice of yours. Share it with the world and I will see you back here next time.